Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Starting Zone Impressions

Rolling a Death Knight comes with almost an expectation of being over-powered. So when I spawned in the world at level 55, the first thing I noticed was a disappointingly empty action bar. Blood Strike, Icy Touch, Plauge Strike, Death Coil, and Death Grip is all you have .

While the lore is most certainly epic, it takes getting about halfway through the starting zone for the character to actually start to get interesting. Death Strike in particular makes things much better, effectively covering almost all the damage you take in an average fight.

My only grievance is the starting zone is the "dueling" quest. You can take the quest at level 55, and as I said at that point you have all of 4 buttons. Actually dueling is level 55 is therefore pretty pointless. Identical gear, no talents, 4 buttons, I'd rather watch paint dry. So after you spend a while running around the starting area looking for NPCs to duel, you get your one talent point and the sense of accomplishment one might commonly associate with tying your shoes (i.e. none).

Regardless of your class, everyone should experience the Death Knight starting zone, however. The lore there is simply amazing and there's some very fun and new quest mechanics to be enjoyed.

- Andtaxes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I quite liked the duelling quest as it nudged you into (god forbid) interacting with your fellow Death Knights, and maybe start talking about skills and such.

I'll agree that starting with a few skills is a pain, but on the flip side, I think starting with a full complement would've been a real headache.